Saturday, 2 October 2010

Need your help guys!

I'm on my home at the moment, after a day of taking some photos realising that i have an assignment to hand in and like two photos to edit out for it. But, i haven't decided on any photo yet! Ill be home in about an hour, and when i'm home i'll be uploading a few of them. So i'm counting on you guys to give me your opinions about them and which ones i should choose.

Ive really got myself in some deep shit.

Oh and i heard marijuana is legal in california now, not bad schwarzennegger (i dont know how to spell his name) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


  1. Sure! I'll be waiting to see them!!!

  2. loool ! Me to I am waiting here to see more xD !

  3. I liked your photos from your previous post, can't wait to see the ones you'll be posting! I actually love photography as well and would love to talk to you more about it! :D anyway, if you like music come check out my blog too! :)

  4. yes im from california and its legal

  5. So, is the federal goverment going to say...It's still illegal under federal law, but, we're going to allow states to decide they can overturn/disregard Federal law? Hopefully the Feds will just say "screw it", and let the states decide everything about pot. Federal pot laws may come down!

  6. hey, this is one of my more favorite posts from you :)

  7. Lol, Yeah congrats to Cali for the law!!!! And can't wait to help you decide on which pic.

  8. Marijuana is still illegal, but hopefully not for much longer.

  9. Eagerly awaiting the pics...

  10. Legal in Cali with medicinal card only.

  11. "Legal" as in cops still raid stores or people who grow it for themselves in reasonable quantities with the medicinal card? Or real legal?

    I will give you feedback on the photos.

  12. lol the pic is sweet and scare at the same time :P

  13. I'll make sure to be online then and help ya ;)
