Wednesday, 13 October 2010


Very very sorry guys for not keeping my blog updated like i usually do. Last friday i had my house reposessed so i was quite occupied in finding somewhere to stay and trying to get everything moved out to one place to another blah blah blah. Well, you kind of get the whole idea, and just the stress of it all has been putting me off blogging.
But, fear not i have however, had some old film recently processed and my friend managed to scan them in his computer for me so i can show you guys, since i'm having some major "writers block" right now.

Some of these have been multiexposed so they might look a bit weird to you.

P.s they're not in any particular order. Bayb Foressssstl Skyyyyop Bayymulti Cqqaaaat Puppeh Beach Dead

Sorry if the sizes of the pictures are a bit messed up, doing this all on my phone. But thanks guys for the support, i will keep checking your blogs! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


  1. beautifull pictures :) dont worry, blog when you have time :)

  2. I do film photography myself! How did you achieve that super colorful one in the middle?!

  3. geez dude sorry to hear about your place

  4. i forgive you, for the funky pics =D

    the westy reminds me of my grandmas old dog <3

  5. oh shit, good luck with your housing situation

  6. beautiful snaps thank u, i dig the nature orientated ones the most

  7. the cat pic is awesome, how did you do that!

  8. dude i'm back from amsterdam.

    come check out all the cool pictures i took!

  9. really cool shots here..dreamlike

  10. I love the old poloroid look.
